A police report has been made regarding the nude photos of local models
Casey Starrific and her boyfriend and
Faith. The person informed me and warned that I should take down the pictures. I need to state that I did not leak the photos, they were sent to me from a reader who informed me that they were found freely on a local forum. In other words, these are all open information. I did not force any of these girls or the photographer to divulge these photos and neither did I steal or hack from them.
If I get into trouble with Police again, like I did when I exposed the pictures of DJ
Tenashar, I might have to lay low or close down this blog. Maybe a trip a neighboring country would be good.
When I started this blog, I knew there was price for exposing and publishing the truth. To let my readers see beyond the surface was the reason I started this. But I guess it's not that easy to continue to do this when it is just a hobby. A big thank you to my readers who have been keeping this blog alive. Hopefully, I can still continue....

Even if you did not hack , you are posting these pics on your own blog. The contents come from you especially if you put watermark on them or upload them...
ReplyDeleteThe girl can sue you for damages as well since you are considered one of the sources.
Your PC can be confiscated by police.
Brave acts yet silly acts...
If your motive is to expose people, why not expose the photographers or traders who leak these pictures?
Is it worth going jail for posting nudes and waste your years of studying? Nobody will worship you like hero.
I always love your blog for exposing shameless people. Especially that ugly casey and her nerd boyfriend. There is nothing wrong sharing the pictures.
ReplyDeleteYea the police can track your IP address, but I don't think they'll give a fuck. Anyway it's still wrong for posting private photos that belong to others. You're giving great help for fulfilling her dream of being a porn star.
ReplyDeleteThis Derick Lee used to date a model, later kanna ditched big time...
ReplyDeleteU only know how to bully girls.... SHAME on you LAH...
ReplyDeleteExpose those male photographers as well mah. KNS
they shoot and bed so many girls, expose their dirty deeds as well, then I will give u 5 stars....
A person distributing drugs will get more severe punishment than the person producing it or consuming it. You would be safer if you keep anything you found to yourself
ReplyDeleteI ALSO expose & published MORE of these girls' nudes in my Blog www.mrstyleking.com . So I should take them down from my Blog www.mrstyleking.com too???!! OMFG
ReplyDeleteI ALSO expose & published MORE of these girls' nudes in my Blog www.mrstyleking.com
ReplyDeleteSo I should take them down from my Blog www.mrstyleking.com too???!! OMGGG
Today we are all exposed because there is internet: news go very fast and far everywhere without control.
ReplyDeleteSo everyone - if he/she cares for himself - should avoid to do bad things.
I saw the pictures. If someone poses - willing - nude and in sexual acts, he's aware that he's not drinking a coffee in front of a camera, they weren't raped. At the same time they were aware of the risks taking. So if he/she hasn't provided for enough protection - compared to the acts they were doing - they're guilty themselves.
You putted online pictures of a couple that was willing to have sex. You didn't put online pictures of people that were photographed against their will, nevertheless you published pictures of illegal acts.
It's sure, before publishing, it would be better to ask permission, but which newspaper makes it?
They can ask you to cancel the pictures from your blog because they feel hurt in their personality, at the same time they didn't care about the diffusion of the pictures. I see it mist a problem between them and the photographer. Before to say they are damaged, it's better to define in what they are damaged and what they did for defending themselves.
If you go on a bike without a helm, have an accident on the road, do you go to road authority asking for damage? They would ask: "Did you protect yourself?". You're not offending people, because they decided to pose nude in sexual acts in front of a camera. They lost the control of the information not you: their problem.
I love reading your blog. it shows how stupid and lowlife Singaporean guys are nowadays.
ReplyDeleteLol hi Heather
DeleteYes you got the photos from open sources but you don't own rights to distribute it. It may be the photographer at fault for leaking in the first place but unless she chooses to release it herself, it is not right to keep reposting. People make mistakes how would you like it if you made a mistake and the country shames you. Have some respect for your fellow people. Just because Singapore is small and boring and little things make big news. Think about it how do porn stars in other country make it big? Just because sg is small and toy can identify people easily doesn't tran you should. Respect them and close this blog.
ReplyDeleteYes you got the photos from open sources but you don't own rights to distribute it. It may be the photographer at fault for leaking in the first place but unless she chooses to release it herself, it is not right to keep reposting. People make mistakes how would you like it if you made a mistake and the country shames you. Have some respect for your fellow people. Just because Singapore is small and boring and little things make big news. Think about it how do porn stars in other country make it big? Just because sg is small and you can identify people easily doesn't mean you should. Respect them and close this blog.
ReplyDeleteWhen people says other singaporean how low life and stupid. Aint they pointing themselves as as a lowlife stupid who commented on other people plain stupidity right ? Think ?!
ReplyDeleteWho has appointed you as "god" to judge people ....i hope your identity gets revealed and the people you "expose" get a chance to deal with you
ReplyDeleteWell I do like your post. Keep it up! Let haters be haters!