Tuesday 7 January 2014

Second set of Monday blues girl (NSFW)

This is the second set of an earlier post. I must say this girl is quite cute and she should be on vacation judging from the room.

Graphic pictures below. Not suitable for persons below 18 years old.

UPDATE: This model is likely Michayla Wong Cheng Yau from Klang Valley, Malaysia.


  1. OMG : why her below Chow Tar de - lolx

    1. Malay ma. Indian more black .

    2. Fried too long..

    3. Please read the name, Malay name isit? Hahaha you got a dick stuck in the middle of your brain.

    4. How dumb can you guys actually fucking be? Of course she's Chinese! Are you saying that all Chinese pussy are fucking blue or something? and that there's absolutely no way a Chinese pussy can be brown in colour(like michayla's)?
      It's either that you guys are really fucking daft or you have never seen any pussy in your lifes. I mean come on..... there are Chinese with different skin colour right?! There are the fucking pale white ones, there are the sightly pasty ones, there are the light yellowish ones, got orangey one, got olive coloured, and got fucking brownish ones also right?! So similarly the lightness or darkness of the pussy would also be in proportion to the skin tone you dumb fucks! And private parts are normally darker than the rest of the body for most people right? Aren't your fucking dicks that are riding up your retarded arses a little darker then your fucking chest for instance? Or aren't the nipples that are on the fucking chest of yours' darker than the chest itself?! And for the record, most of Chinese pussy and nipples are brown by the way..............................
      If you think michayla's pussy is dark for a Chinese based on your feckless dreams of how a pussy would be coloured, then what about Rina Yuki Chen's pussy? If michayla's one is Chao tar, then wah! Rina's is fucking burnt and disintegrated lor!!
      Dumb dicks!

    5. Rina is malay girl she from my school and her father is chinese . She speak malay at home.i know her well

  2. Cannot be malay coz malay cut d peanut or so called extra meat..so shud b chinesse....wit dark skin lol..

  3. Thinking to fuck her for 1 time...

  4. Confirm gt std !!

  5. Her pussy is because man often lick and suck it too hard then cause it become like charcoal pussy.Whatever it's still hot!!

  6. I thought that one anaconda sia..

  7. always do anal.. hmm..
